Deer Tick se adecentan
Noticias / Deer Tick

Deer Tick se adecentan

Redacción — 31-07-2013
Fotografía — Archivo

La banda publica un avance del nuevo disco previsto para septiembre

La banda estadounidense Deer Tick muestran un tema, “The Dream’s In the Ditch”, que formará parte del nuevo disco que verá la luz el próximo mes de septiembre.

Ha pasado ya un tiempo desde que publicaran su último disco “Divine Providence” en 2011 y parece que, tras la participación de su líder John McCauley en proyectos varios como Middle Brother o Diamond Rugs, será el próximo 24 de septiembre cuando muestren su nuevo trabajo “Negativity”, con Partisan Records.

“The Dream’s In the Ditch” tiene toques de folk alegre que recuerdan a la ELO, e incluso a “In My Life” de The Beatles, con un solo de piano medio acelerado. Su guitarrista Ian O’Neil (Ex Titus Andronicus) cuenta a Rolling Stone que , “la canción habla de cómo se va desarrollando un músico cuando empieza a hacer giras y la manera en que le afecta a escribir canciones”.

3 comentarios
  1. Your mention of ssters getting ingrained into the nervous system brought to mind something I read long ago that the mind writes deeply into the body.In light of that, a bit of an update and some further info:About 1.5 years ago, I threw out my back from, of all things, a sneeze. The affected area is between the lower shoulder blades, roughly in the level of the lower third of the sternum. Since then, I have had a myriad of back issues. And yes, lots of ssters over the job, money, health, etc. A year ago, I went in to the hospital with an incredible amount of pain across my back and a lot of pressure at/under the diaphragm EKG, echocardiogram and ssters test all came back ok. I believe it may have been a muscle spasm connected with the back issue above. When I try to employ good posture, I tend to get a stabby pain in the affected vertebra. Stretching the back or using a foam roller to get the vertebra to pop' tends to relieve things for a short time, but there is no lasting relief. I get many muscle knots along the upper spine and between the shoulder blades that I try to roll out using the foam roller or tennis balls with limited success. My heating pad is my new best friend. I also get occasional spasms in the upper abdominals / diaphragm that feel almost like a hiccup up into my chest quite alarming to feel that as you're drifting off to sleep.On the foam angel, once my arms get out to about 90 degrees, it gets very hard to keep my shoulders down/relaxed and it feels almost like someone has grasped the bottom of my sternum and is lifting it up. I get pain through the front of the deltoid where it attaches to the humerus, wrapping through the gap between the deltoid and bicep and around the outside of the bicep into the low tricep. After a moment longer, my hand will usually start to twitch and the whole arm gets a tingly/electic shock feeling, usually accompanied by a pain to the inside of the shoulder blade. The left side is probably twice the intensity of the right side with these symptoms. Once I move my arms back down, the symptoms go away and I'm left with some residual tenderness at the outside edges of the sternum where the ribs attach, actual spots painful to the touch as if I've bruised myself.

  2. Pat,Thanks! It was really a hard race but I was so happy with my time and I had a great time meteing a ton of new people. Plus wine country is amazing! Not sure if you guys have made it down to the Napa/Sanoma area before but I highly recommend it! Beautiful!XO

  3. everthing seems to be going ok for me but they have not asked for my address so a had to go to the cocantt bit and give them my address is that what i am ment to do or do you send me an email then a give you it ???

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