Cuarto disco de estos madrileños maduritos con un titulo sugerente, pero ya se sabe: las apariencias engañan. Siguen mostrándose honestos en su propuesta en canciones de apenas tres minutos donde concentran todo el rock, el blues y el garaje que corre por sus venas. Suenan a añejo, no podía ser de otra manera, ofrecen diversión y, tras unos segundos de escucha, provocan excitación y aseguran la diversión. Los Chicos saben dar forma a un sonido que atrapa. Sirva como ejemplo esa “I Bet I Win”, un gran tema de aires rockabilly y mucha pegada. Aunque ahí no acaba todo. Daremos con piezas clave para entender la actualidad del quinteto madrileño como “A Band”, “Headphones” o el tema que da título al disco. Si aún no les has dado una oportunidad, piensa en los primeros Tokyo Sex Destruction de juerga con Doctor Explosion. Además, todo esto bajo la producción de Mike Mariconda (The Raunch Hands, Stepbrothers). Lo dicho, por su imagen los juzgaras, pero que diantre: ¡A bailotear se ha dicho!

Mk - I'm roughly a 1/3 of the way torguhh Walking Away from Empire, and you're absolutely right it is "really good." McPherson nails it on many different levels e28094 his perspective, at least imo, is not only broad and encompassing, but also insightful.Sanc - Re your comment about the police state/Boston lockdown. One thing I find of interest is the use of words and what their impact is within the society. As I'm sure you're aware Lockdown is prison terminology, but I'm not so sure the U.S. consumer-troglodyte makes that connection e28094 regardless it has psychological implications. As does accepting the consumer identity e28094 once ensconced in the parasitic life of a consumer the unconscious trade-off is the abdication of their place in the world as a human being.For example the consumer moves from one climate controlled environment to another e28094 the rhythmic changes of the four seasons have been supplanted by the driving and holiday seasons.Every word has power. - John TrudellWhat about the use of language as a possible topic? George Carlin was an excellent student of the how are used in the culture to foster acquiescence and deception. Guy McPherson, in his book cited above, examines the use of words too, and their etymology, to massage a population's thinking into accepting transgressions against the natural world e28094 to instill disassociation and to hinder critical thinking.John Trudell is someone else who comes to mind that stresses the importance of understanding the use of language e28094 its manipulation factor and how it can cripple the ability to think coherently. For example he'll banter about the word freedom or as it were. Another word he dissects is technological, emphasizing the two words that comprise its center e28094 NO LOGIC e28094 which explains the fealty industrial society has for the technology deity.